belfast, northern ireland
Client Belfast City Council
Project Music Strategy & Recovery Plan
Year 2021
Belfast City Council commissioned a comprehensive study on music, known as the Music Strategy and Resilience Plan, to address the impact of COVID-19 on the music sector while also aligning with the city's efforts to become a UNESCO City of Music.
The goal was to develop a bespoke Music Strategy and implementation plan that supports the recovery and resilience of Belfast's music sector. The strategy aimed to address the short, medium, and long-term effects of the pandemic and provide a foundation for an inclusive, future-thinking music ecosystem through a series of activities.
Community Ideation
Collaboration with the UNESCO City of Music steering committee and city departments to establish strategic aims and ambitions for the project, ensuring alignment with the city's objectives and the music industry's needs.
Comprehensive mapping exercise to identify all music assets in Belfast, resulting in the identification of 254 music assets across the city.
Literature Review and Regulatory Assessment
Analysis of local and national literature and policies relevant to music in Belfast, as well as revision of existing regulatory frameworks impacting the music sector.
Economic Impact Analysis
Assessment of the direct, indirect, and induced economic value of Belfast's music ecosystem to understand its contribution to the local economy.
Comparative Analysis and Benchmarking
Comparative analysis of Belfast against five international cities, evaluating various music-related topics, policies, and regulations to identify areas for improvement.
Stakeholder Engagement
Participation of the music community through interviews, roundtables, and an online survey, involving a total of 769 participants. The insights gathered from 39 interviews and roundtables informed the study.
SWOT Analysis
Thorough analysis of the mapping exercise, literature review, and regulatory assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to Belfast's music ecosystem.
UNESCO City of Music Application
Revision and writing of the UNESCO City of Music application to align it with the research findings and recommendations of Sound Diplomacy, strengthening the application's quality and content.
Findings & outcomes
The Belfast Music Strategy and Resilience Plan lays the foundation for the city's music ecosystem, enabling a resilient, inclusive, and forward-thinking approach to support the recovery and long-term growth of the music.
As a result of the project, Belfast successfully obtained the prestigious UNESCO City of Music status, recognizing its vibrant music scene and cultural heritage. In the first 2 years since the strategy’s completion, £1 million was invested by the City Council, and Belfast’s City of Music status is interlinked with all civic events to embed music throughout the city. In addition, Belfast's music industry received a £100,000 funding boost, providing financial support for its recovery and development, and micro bursaries have been adapted to support the music industry. The City continues to work alongside its Belfast Music Board to develop partnerships, create funding streams, and further strengthen the local music industry.